
New school, new outlook

I started my Dental Hygiene program at UVU last week. I love it! The other 13 girls in my program are awesome and my classes are bomb. I'm totally in my element.

So I love my program and my classes, but what about the school itself? I wasn't so keen on leaving BYU, but it's actually really nice. The campus is really pretty and the people are really chill. So far I have received 2 free T-shirts and 3 free meals (I actually don't think I was supposed to have that last one. There was like a Business Major fair or something and there was a free BBQ for the students. I just stood in line and they gave me food so I'm happy).

Another thing I love is Institute. It's the best. It's a place for me to forget about school. Unlike BYU, the classes are not ones where you have to take tests and do homework. There are just a bunch of people who actually WANT to be there. They also give me free food sometimes.

So far UVU is great!

Out for Lunch

Many businesses have these:

It's not uncommon. The other day, however, I saw one that made me laugh. There is a new BBQ place in Provo and as I was walking by one day I saw a sign like that. I almost laughed out loud. Why do these people need to go out to lunch? Don't they have food to eat there? And won't their new business struggle if they aren't even open during lunch?

Just thought I'd share this hilarious oxymoron with you all.