I've come back from the grave, everyone! Hip hip...Hooray. Due to the highly stressful nature of this past semester, I have shut almost everything else out of my life besides school and work. My blog has suffered because of this, but hopefully this summer will be full of some fun stuff.
I am finally on my much needed break from school and it is GLORIOUS! I don't have to think about tests, quizzes, homework assignments, nothing for 3 months!!! Sweet. Of course, being the nerd I am, I have already studied a little bit these past two weeks. C'mon people. What else do you expect me to do? Most of my roommates left me for the summer (Suz for a year and a half...sad) and the other ones have work all day long. AND I have boards coming up in a year. I have nothing else to occupy my time. Well, besides Tony and Gilmore Girls.
Tony needs some explaining. This is Tony Horton:
So.....I am in serious need of catching you all up on my life. First of all, I was chosen to be an Alternate Student Delegate at the ADHA Annual Session in Las Vegas!!!
If you don't know what that means, just know that it's a HUGE DEAL in the Dental Hygiene world. I get an all-expense paid trip to Las Vegas. I haven't been filled in on all of the little details, but I'll be attending the House of Delegates. We vote on policies and such for Dental Hygienists. Not to mention, I'll have a great opportunity for networking. I'm way excited.
Here's a fun picture of "the gang"
Yes, this is us in all our glory. This particular night was Festa Italiana! Back row: Mary, Matt, Lanae, Sam, Dave, Suzanne. Front: Me, Andy, and Becky. We were all really tight this past semester. We still are, don't worry. We all are kind of separated for the summer, but we'll be back together eventually.
This same gang (minus Matt-he's in D.C. now) all went camping at the end of the semester for a last HOORAH!
We all look so good, eh? This was the morning after we woke up. Those boys are too good to us. They gave us their warm sleeping bags to put in our tent because we were cold and meanwhile they were freezing in their own tents! AND they cooked breakfast and kept the fire burning. Too bad Sam had to leave in the middle of the night because she was sick... :(
Here are some fun pictures us girls in Down House took the other week.
Proof that EVERYone makes fun of me!What does everyone look cool except for me?
Anyways. Sorry this post was kind of random, but that's how I roll. There will be more this summer. No worries!
yay becky! that's so exciting about being picked as the delegate to go to vegas! Some of the girls were all talking about going, but I'm married and poor so I won't haha!
I can't wait to see you when you come down! No one understands me and all my dental hygiene talk! I need a friend to talk to! :)
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