
Embarassing Moments

Last Friday I was getting my classroom ready to teach in. I usually do thing while listening to my iPod, as I was on Friday. A Martina McBride song came on (I think it was Independence Day or With a Broken Wing) and I started belting out. I was in my element. The music got more and more dramatic as the climax was about to hit and boy was I getting into it. I had totally forgotten my preparations and my whole body and voice were into it. It was right after this splendid solo that I turned towards the door and my student and his mom were at the door.

Great! I am sure my face was 16 shades of red. The mom half-laughing said, "Oh did we miss your solo?" I quickly took out my ear phones and tried to laugh it off, but I couldn't. The "Miss Becky" they know is mature and smart and organized and composed. Well, now they know the real me I guess. It was only later that I realized they could only hear my not-so-perfect voice, not the dramatic music that had got me started in the first place. At least I can laugh about it now.


Kristin said...

haha Becky that's so funny. That would totally happen to me :)