
I get knocked down, but I get up again. You're never gonna keep me down!

This summer I have really beat myself up and tonight was no different. We were playing some night games up on campus and I fell face first to the ground. Lovely. Then later we all decided to slide down a wet hill on our stomachs. I was going to do it, but got scared half way down to the ground and awkwardly bent my body to that I had to roll down the hill. I looked like a dream. The bad part-i'm pretty sure I pulled a muscle. Cool. People are going to ask how it happened and I'm going to have to say "I tried sliding down a hill." Plus, I was supposed to go hiking tomorrow. Cross that one off the agenda. And the slip and slide planned for the afternoon? I'm thinking that one goes too.

Some of the other things I have done include, but are not limited to: Falling while hiking and completely destroying my left leg. Going to the lake at night in shorts with no bug spray and getting at least (I kid you not) 50 bug bites on my legs. Tripping over absolutely nothing on level ground. Running into people and falling over due to the force of impact (this mainly happens during sports).

I've always been clutzy--always. Example: I can be standing up not even walking or anything and fall over. I'm used to it by now. However, it's getting out of hand lately. By the time this summer is over I am going to have more scar tissue on my legs than normal skin. What can I do?

Option 1: Refrain from physical activity of any kind.

Option 2: Have someone follow me around so he can catch me if I fall.

Option 3: Do what I normally do and try to tend to my wounds as best as I can.
Ding ding ding we have a winner!

Even though I get really tired of being in pain and being embarrassed to show wear a skirt or shorts in public, it's worth it. This summer I have made some of the best memories ever. I like to view my battle wounds as reminders of all the good times I've had.