
So i'm pretty much a lawyer by now.

In the office where I work, there are two lawyers who are renting out space. Whenever they have somone come in to write a will or something like that, I get to act as a witness. Basically I stand in the room for one minute while the lawyer asks quesitons to the people and then I leave. Not a big deal, but I think its pretty cool. Then after they leave I have to initial and sign like 30 pages of legal documents. I'm a pro by now.

Not only that, but I also do lots and lots of scanning for the lawyers. By doing this, I get to handle years and years worth of legal documents. It's really cool to see how stuff is done and the type of paper work there is to do. I like it. *Plus the hours I spend scanning, I get double the money* Yay.

So at three in the morning today, I wake up to my dog barking SO much and SO loud. I got pretty scared because she only barks like that when strangers (to her) come over. So I was thinking "Oh no! There's a burglar in the house!" So I woke up my mom and we went downstairs together. My dog was in the kitchen, but then she ran outside really fast. It was so loud outside because it sounded like all of the dogs in the neighborhood were barking. They were all going Psycho Crazy!! I don't know why they were all barking; it was weird. It was kinda Twilight Zone-ish. If only it was all in black and white.

Well that was the craziness of last night. My mom and I tried to ask my dog Toby why she was barking in the middle of the night, but no luck. Too bad dogs can't talk.